Aracely Esquivel Noriega and Jesus Noriega Esquivel

Aracely Esquivel Noriega (51) habla con su hijo Jesus Gerardo Noriega Esquivel (21) sobre Mexico, sus cuatro hijos, y la vida en Colorado. (Aracely Esquivel Noriega (51) talks with her son Jesus Gerardo Noriega Esquivel (21) about Mexico, her 4...

Mi Papa, Jose Alberto Jimenez Ramirez

I, Emiliano Jimenez Minor, interviewed my dad, Jose Alberto Jimenez Ramirez, who's 50 years old about his experience growing up in Mexico City, el DF with my grandma, my uncles, my aunts, my dad's cousins. We talked about how my...

Entrevista A Mi Papá

In this interview I asked my dad about his journey to the US, the obstacles he faced, and how he feels about living in a new country.

Interview with Dr. Julio DeCarvalho, my Spanish teacher

Julio DeCarvalho is an immigrant from Cape Verde, a small West African country. in the interview we discussed Cape Verde, the United States, his family, jobs that he has had throughout his life, and important events that shaped to Dr....

Elena Ferreira's life in Mexico and what led her to the United States.

I interview my grandmother about her life in Mexico and what influenced her in emigrating to America, as well as how she got here.

A Talk With Mami, By Chris Hiraldo

Chris Hiraldo(14) explores the topic of familial loss through a conversation with his mother, Carmen(42). In this interview she will touch on her experiences following the death of her beloved father. This interview is in mostly in Spanish.

Paul Serrano, Sara Clark Serrano, and Paul Serrano

Paul Serrano, Jr. (31) interviews his parents Paul Serrano, Sr. [no age given] and Sara Clark Serrano [no age given] about their upbringings, their business at the Grand Central Market, and their aspirations.

A Talk With Mami, By Chris Hiraldo

Chris Hiraldo(14) explores the topic of familial loss through a conversation with his mother, Carmen(42). In this interview she will touch on her experiences following the death of her beloved father. This interview is in mostly in Spanish.

Immigration Stories Italy: Osmil

Osmil is a recent immigrant to Italy from Guatanamo, Cuba having only arrived 7 months ago. Osmil is in the country on a visiting visa living with his sister in Piotello, a town on the outskirts of Milan. Osmil has...

Sheyla Solís interviews Luis Solis

I (Sheyla Solis) was assigned a research paper for my history class on my topic that I think has changed overtime or that relates to me. I decided to interview Luis Solis ,my dad, the man that had an American...