60 Years in the United States

Maria Blanca Inman was born on May 31, 1938, in Rocha, Uruguay. She is currently 85 years old. In this interview, she has a heart-to-heart conversation with her 18-year-old granddaughter, Sara Smith, about her childhood in Uruguay and her future...

Interview With My Grandma

Today I talked with my grandma about her life experiences and how it has impacted her then and now. She shared her highs and her lows she experienced as she moved to a new country and had to make a...

My Mom and Her Life

Here Nico, 16 years old, interviews. This is about my mom (51) and her life before and during covid. She first talks about her growing up and life lessons she’s learned. Then she talked about her life in the military...

Bonding with my Boyfriend’s Stepmom.

Kathy Breault is my boyfriend’s stepmom. She answers questions about her childhood, her family, her experience coming to America, and more!

Manu’s Life

Throughout the interview, I asked my girlfriend about her life experiences that were the most significant during her life. And, I also made sure to ask about how different her life was in Colombia compared to the life she has...

Two Badass Sisters Inspire the Rare Disease World

Suzanne Hoff, 76, listens to Sharon Neumann, 66, relate her remarkable experiences as caregiver from childhood for her younger sister diagnosed with the rare, incurable disease of Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) to their remarkable journey developing world wide support (IFOP)for...

Thanksgiving Interview

Juan Dennis(17) is interviewing his mother, Victoria Dennis (53) about the stages of her life. In this interview, Victoria explains the challenges that she has faced in life and the good memories that she remembers.

My Mummy and I.

We talked about both me and my mom. She told me how I was as a young child and also how she grew up as a young child.

Jack Freeman Interview

My grandpa talks about his childhood and his past, especially his baseball career

Colonel Larry R. Fulbright

Grandson Hudson(18) and Grandpa Larry(81), discuss his interesting life as an ex paratrooper and officer in the US Army

Sharing Memories and Thoughts with Nana Lou

Ashley Hedge is Lula Burnett’s granddaughter, the family calls her Nana Lou. Nana Lou got diagnosed with lung cancer, and after treatment the cancer returned. She decided this time to not go through treatment. Ashley wanted to ask Nana some...

The Life of The Berning

Kashton White, a 16 year old from Illinois, interviews Matt Berning, a 53 year old who is his mom’s boyfriend, about his life experiences and his time in the Navy.

Sheyla Solís interviews Luis Solis

I (Sheyla Solis) was assigned a research paper for my history class on my topic that I think has changed overtime or that relates to me. I decided to interview Luis Solis ,my dad, the man that had an American...

Interview with Dad

A shortened version of my Dad’s early childhood, Military life, and professional career.

A Bathroom Break from Vietnam to the United States – An Immigrant Story

Chad Goodman was a seven-year-old boy in Vietnam during the Fall of Saigon. His mother realized that the only way that her children could have a better life was if she could give them up to adoption, which also meant...

Maria Rosario Castillo Keller 2018

A mother and daughter conversation about moving to the United States from Peru, relationships, the difference in cultures, and stories from growing up.