Pnomwan Wager and Lawrence Wager

Spouses, Pnomwan Wager (66) and Lawrence Wager (75), discuss Pnomwan’s immigration to the United States, Lawrence’s deployment in Thailand, and their children, as they together recount their love story.

Conversacion De inmigración con mi Papá

the summary of this conversation is simple it’s a conversation between a father and son. One of which that being the son always wanted to question his early beginnings of his travel from Mexico to the United States. This is...

Monica Whatley and Bandele [no name given]

Monica Whatley (32) interviews her friend, Bandele [no name given] (73), about his incarceration in the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Bandele reflects on what he learned during the 33 years during which he was detained, his relationship...

Immigration in the Late 20th Century (Part 2)

Cristina Rodriguez talks about her experience in the United States and how she feels while also adapted to the United States.

A Woman's Right: The Story It Tells – Shailja

A Woman's Right: The Story It Tells - Shailja Gupta offers her insight on Women's Rights from the perspective of woman who grew up in India and has lived in NYC for the last 13 years. #WhyIMarch, #WomensMarchonWashington, A Woman's...

Dolores Sheff and Nancy Jones

One Small Step conversation partners Dolores Sheff (63) and Nancy Jones (70) discuss voting for different parties, but sharing many common interests and opinions around being compassionate towards others, education, money in politics, abortion, gun control, anti-depressants and joy.

Family Immigration in the Late 20th Century (Part 1)

Cristina Rodriguez tells her story of when she came to this country and what it took for her to arrive, as well as how life was when she arrived here.

A visit with my aunt

I discovered my family history by chance on a visit to Los Angeles. My aunt Linda tells me the history of the Juachon family.

Anna Paloma Williams and Luz Kenyon

Anna Paloma Williams (32) asks her mother, Luz Kenyon (58), about what life was like for her as she immigrated to the United States from Mexico and raised her children in a new country. They also discuss the female role...

Kenisha Mahajan and Mia Payne

Friends Kenisha Mahajan (15) and Mia Payne (17) talk about immigration, climate change, the importance of youth voices, and their hopes for the future of New York City.