"All of my memories of my sister are good memories"
January 10, 2017 App Interview

Sandy Fischer reflects on the death of her sister, Cary Anne, from cervical cancer. Sandy's son Joe also shares his memories of his aunt and her illness.

"No woman has to die from cervical cancer"
January 18, 2017 App Interview

Branda Kent describes her daughter's diagnosis as a "wake up call," that encouraged her to become more educated about HPV and cervical cancer prevention. She has made it her mission to help educate others about the importance of screening and...

Military and Mental Health

A dialogue on the stigmas faced by men in the military.

My Experience With Bullying And How That Has Changed My Perspective On Leadership

Audrey and I talk about my experience with moving across the country, going through bullying, and my mental health journey and how I feel like these things impacted how I present myself as a leader.

Dealing with PMDD in College

My sister Elizabeth talks openly about navigating mental health in college and her diagnosis of PMDD.

Mom and her brain…
November 27, 2017 App Interview

This interview is about Marina Mesa and her dysfunctional brain....

Prostate Cancer in the African-American Community

Leroy Harmon Jr talks about his experience with prostate cancer and the effects it has on him and the black community.

Jason Wood and Jennifer Smith

One Small Step partners Jason Wood (43) and Jennifer "Jen" Smith (41) discuss influences on their political beliefs, affirmative action in workplace employment, and the challenges of police involvement with mental health calls.

"It takes over and it pauses your life"
January 3, 2017 App Interview

Visleyn Lopez struggled to get both her healthcare providers and her family to take her health concerns seriously before she was diagnosed with cervical cancer. She reflects on the difficulties in managing the disease and a young wife and mother...

An Angel is born

Story of my grandmother and finding out she had cancer

interview with dad
November 6, 2022 App Interview

An interview with Kenneth Knox, age 42. Talks about his views on his life, family, abortion, and mental health.

Interview with Juliana Chavarro

Interview was with Juliana Chavarro, age 19, and Daniela Semino, age 18. Semino was the interviewer and Chavarro was the Interviewee. They have been best friends since 7th grade, 6 years. In the interview they discuss childhood, school, and mental...

Conversation with a Cancer Survivor

This conversation discusses the impact of faith and prayer on a cancer diagnosis.

My Mental Health Is Not Lazy: Featuring Shannon Lee

Shannon Lee is a college student who just started to seek help for her mental health. Today we discuss how harmful the laziness myth can be to people who struggle with mental health, and how we have started our mental...

Storytelling Assignment

Interview of my 45 year old mother regarding her life; including her thoughts, views, and opinions.

Interview With Bella

We talked about family, what we’ve learned growing up, and influential memories and people.

Riyaan's Interview

Riyaan talks about how he missed nature amid the COVID 19 and staying at home. He was home schooled for two months due to the pandemic and realized how important was the teacher's role in their education. He also tells...

Treasure Affia and Dr. Toni Caretto ; An insightful interview on the issue of self- acceptance within the LGBTQI+ Community.

Treasure Affia(a sophomore psychology major and human sexuality minor) and Dr. Toni Caretto( a seasoned clinical psychologist) talk about the issue of accessibility to mental health care and self-acceptance within the LGBTQI+ community.

Interviewing an Elder

Interview of grandmother about her life

Storycorps AIS Project

I interviewed my mom about her journey through breast cancer