Growing Up in Chicago

This interview was conducted November 26, 2018 in Chicago, Illinois. Natalia Beltran (16) interviewed her mom, Erica Avila (36) about her childhood in Humboldt Park and how living in such a troubled neighborhood shaped her into the woman she is...

Nana Interview

Me and my Nana (Grandma) talked about her life experiences and the life lessons she has learned along the way! Very enlightening!

Do you want to be loved?

Friends ask each other questions about being in love, feeling loved, and the expectations we have from future partners.

Interview of my Dad

Over my Dad’s 47 years of existence he has gone through many things. I learned more about family, love and his personal beliefs than I ever knew before.

Aviva Berke and her Aunt Jen talk about growing up in Rochester, NY and moving to Canada.

In this interview, conducted on November 24th, 2018 in Rochester, New York, Aviva Berke (16) interviews her aunt Jennifer Dockstator (57) about their childhood in Rochester and moving to Canada when she grew up. Jennifer shares stories from her family...

“It was a better use of my life.”

Father Frank DeSiano calls himself a "lifer." He entered the Paulist junior seminary as a teenager. That was more than 45 years ago. He's a noted leader in evangelization or sharing of the Catholic faith. Father Frank has been the...

A causal interview with my aunt
November 26, 2017 App Interview

I interviewed my aunt khyla. She is 21 years old. I wanted to interview my aunt because she always has funny stories to tell and she has pretty good advice. We talked about pretty basic things like school or generations....

The Great Thanksgiving Listen with Thomas Melin

Hope Frisby interviews Thomas Melin, her grandfather, about growing up, getting older, and falling in love.

An interview with my Mom

This interview was about Shirley Chavez. This interview talks about her life. This interview was recorded by Leo Chavez, at Berwyn IL.

Sitting Down with Dad

One evening, I talk with my dad Joe Tenn about everything I can think about, from Chicago in the 70s to fatherhood to weird work stories.

Jadelyn Melara interviews her mother Jade Perez about what makes Jade.

In this interview, conducted on November 2018 in Chicago, Illinois, Jadelyn Melara (16) interviews her mother Jade Perez (45) about what makes her who she is. Jade Perez shares who her biggest influences have been. She also talks about work...

Mother’s story

Daughter sits down with mom to talk about life before coming to the U.S.

Leia & Braden

What we’ve learned from each other and how we met

Marriage is a commitment!

After 57 years of marriage , Bruce and Trudy talk about how they met and what they love about eachother and their life together.

Interview with my Framily

Ann and Richard Selin talk about their love, their kindness, and how it got them through life.

Mother and i

Life of my mother growing up as a kid and meeting friends who meant alot to her as a child. My mother growing up into a mature young adult who met my father at a young age. Also telling stories...

“We have a lot of history from different directions.”

Blanca Rodríguez Valtierra is interviewed by her 17 year old granddaughter Stefi de la Torre. From early childhood struggles with learning English to a terrible flood incident, Blanca uncovers several family stories.

Grandson interviews Grandfather about his life

In this interview, I sat down and chatted with my grandfather who is on my fathers side. In addition to that, we talked about how he grew up as a child in North Carolina and Chicago, his time in the...

Lauren’s Interview

Doing this interview gave me information about my God father that I never knew about. This helped me learn things that will help me with my future relationships with others.

Growing Up in a Blended Family with Interviewee Ashley Bolton and Interviewer Lenae Brown
September 12, 2019 App Interview

On September 12, 2019 in Chicago, IL, Ashley Bolton sat down with Lenae Brown and discussed her experience with growing up in a blended family. The 24 year old female spoke about the challenges of having step and half siblings,...

Anissa Campos and her father talk about his life during his adolescent years

In this interview, conducted on November 26th 2017, in Chicago, Illinois, I interviewed my father, Max, about his childhood in Mexico and in Illinois. We mostly went over some of his memories and what he accomplished when he was younger....