The life,memories, and triumph of Catherine Bell
November 26, 2018 App Interview

Catherine Bell, a woman who grew up in the South Side of Chicago raised in a half functional, half distinctions household, shares the story of her life, some of her memories, and what she thinks is her greatest success. She...

A causal interview with my aunt
November 26, 2017 App Interview

I interviewed my aunt khyla. She is 21 years old. I wanted to interview my aunt because she always has funny stories to tell and she has pretty good advice. We talked about pretty basic things like school or generations....

“It was a better use of my life.”

Father Frank DeSiano calls himself a "lifer." He entered the Paulist junior seminary as a teenager. That was more than 45 years ago. He's a noted leader in evangelization or sharing of the Catholic faith. Father Frank has been the...

This is Sarah Dunn interviewing John Dunn about his experience in the Navy.

This interview took place on December 5, 2017 in Chicago, Illinois. Sarah Dunn interviews John Dunn, her father, on his experience in the Navy. Within this interview, John Dunn dicusses his experience in the military. Specifically, he talks about his...

Interview with Sister

I sat down with my sister to talk about her life and the people who helped her become who she is today. She (Summer) also shared some life advice that she has learned and would like to pass down to...

Mila rico

Future for mila and I, fears, regrets, goals, trails and tribulations of being a teenage girl, and a glimpse into her family history

The Navy – Michael Beatty

Madeline Stach interviews her uncle Michael Beatty about his service in the Navy. They talk about basic training, why he chose the navy, and some of the people he met while serving.

Interview with My Mother (Cristina)

I interviewed my mother on January 23,2022. Questions were based around her life and friends.

Spirituality unfolding Mankowski

This is the story of one man’s spiritual development from the Catholicism of his Polish immigrants through an epifany he had sniffing glue to his learning of transcendental meditation which has developed into a long-standing practice and peaceful existence.


This listen was about life growing up as a kid and growing up around family. Also going through rough times.

TOK Project

We had an interview about my mother's high school experience.

Interviewing my mom

This interview is about my experience in an extra curriculum activity in high school that was off campus. The kappa, as it was called, was supposed to be a program that helped chicago kids get prepared for high school and...

My grandpa

Me and my grandpa Richard Riha talked about his life story on Monday April 23rd 2018. He told me how he lived it and what made it great and what made his life worth living is definitely the family he...

Ella and Betty

I interviewed my mom about what her life was like when she was my age and in high school

Sammy Erjavac interviews Mike Mcmurry

An interview with Mike Mcmurry conducted by Sammy Erjavac. About his childhood, military, and love.

Living History Project – New Immigrants: Piotr Jankowski

My mother, Kasia Jankowski, immigrated to the United States from Poland in order to discover better economic opportunities which she elaborates on in this interview.

Story of My Mom’s Life

The experiences of my mom through childhood and adulthood. Including school, work, family, and influential people.

So Wrong, but So Right

Long before texts, emails, and snapchat, if you wanted to talk to someone you either had to write a letter, or use the phone, and not a cell phone. Jake Freedman interviewed his grandfather Saul Freedman about his mid-high school...