Barbara Abbott’s life in San Francisco

Barbara Abbott is 82 years old and is 14 year-old Mary Coleman’s grandmother. Although she now lives in Mill Valley, Abbott grew up in San Francisco with her eight siblings, mother, and father. Eventually, her family moved to Tiburon, but...

random bestfriends

Zev Blique(17) Reagan Stock(16) we Are bestfriends! we discussed Zevs childhood and how he grew up in a huge city compared to the little town I’m from. We talked about his family and his regrets.

Mi Papa, Jose Alberto Jimenez Ramirez

I, Emiliano Jimenez Minor, interviewed my dad, Jose Alberto Jimenez Ramirez, who's 50 years old about his experience growing up in Mexico City, el DF with my grandma, my uncles, my aunts, my dad's cousins. We talked about how my...

interview w mi mami, ltns 435 fall '22, laura g

I, Laura Estela Gonzalez (21), interview my mom, Ana Laura Malagon (44). This interview is in Spanish and I ask my mom about her life story. It contains her childhood in Mexico, then her teenage years, and her adult life...

Thu Pham and Liz Wessel

Thu shared her story and Journey from Vietnam to the united States with her village. Thu discussed how their strong faith and love of their family kept them strong.

Merideth Wieland and Anita "June" Jeung

Merideth Wieland (54) talked with her Auntie June (Anita Jeung) (96) about June's childhood and family (Chong), including Merideth's father Wilbur Chong. June takes them out at the end with a song.

Kate Hoepke and Dr. Wayne Pan: A conversation about community and belonging

Board of Directors Storytelling Project: Our third StoryCorps conversation is between San Francisco Village Executive Director Kate Hoepke and Board member Dr. Wayne Pan. Kate and Wayne shared personal stories that led them to be where they are today. They...

San Francisco Native

This is a conversation between Freeman and his father John, recorded in Los Angeles on a visit from San Francisco.

a meaningful past

I talked with my grandmother about my mother as a child, how her childhood was like as a first generation immigrant from Greece in San Francisco, and he first impressions of my father.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen-“you should always be content but never satisfied, because you should always want more”

I interviewed my mom Fiona, and she revealed some interesting (and maybe even disturbing) facts about my family, her step father who will always be her hero, and what she wants for me in the future.


The interviewer, Chase Dunn (15), interviewed Frank Drugge (19), they are cousins. Topics such as family, religion, and life lessons were discussed.

1968a – Loren & Veneta Lesher

Loren (age 94) and Veneta (age 90) Lesher have been married over 70 years. They are sharing stories from each year of their lives together. This interview covers 1968.

Dylan Lui talks to his mom Patricia Yuen Lui about some of her childhood memories.

In this interview on December 1st, 2019 in San Francisco, CA, Dylan Lui (12 years old), interviews his mother, Patricia Yuen Lui (46 years old) about her childhood in San Francisco. Mrs. Lui shares about growing up with a large...

Melody Fawcett, Nathan Blunt, Hilary Rajchel

Melody met her cousins, Nathan and Hilary about ten years ago as a result of genealogy research. They come together today to share what brought them to their searches and the impact it had on them and the family.

Stephen DeLay – Growing up, being a parent, and more

In this interview, conducted in November 2022 in Marin County, California, Tessa DeLay(15) interviews her father Stephen DeLay(54). Stephen reflects on his childhood and his experience as a parent as he gives Tessa life advice.

Rosa Lara Interview 2017

We discussed what Rosa was most thankful for and her memories throughout her life.

Istanbul and San Francisco are both home to Aydin

Aydin shares what he finds similar and different about his family of origin's home, Istanbul, and his home in California, where he and his wife raised twin girls. He shares favorite memories, dreams, and what he is most proud of...

Mission Mama; Maricela Ibarra & Yadira Del Valle

Maricela Ibarra (43) is interviewed by daughter Yadira Del Valle-Ibarra (21). Maricela is asked about what it was like moving to San Francisco and what her experience growing up in the Mission was like.