AP Psych Interview with my Grandfather

I interviewed my grandfather about his early childhood memories in his neighborhood in Jamacia Plain in Boston.

"Be Your Greatest": The Story of Two Black Teens from Wichita, Kansas

My aunt and dad reminisce about racial tensions, dumb decisions, and run-ins with the law in the Middle of Nowhere, USA. If you like comedic, feel-good stories about smalltown life in the 80s, then give it a listen!

Zack Tenerowicz talks to his brother Dylan Tenerowicz about memories and aspirations. (starts at 2 minutes)

Zack Tenerowicz does an interview with Dylan Tenerowicz about memories from childhood and about different aspects of his life. (starts at 2 minutes)

Puerto Rico From the Eyes of my Great-Grandfather and Grandmother.

In this interview, Teresa Villanueva and her father, Miguel Perez will speak about their memories from their time in Puerto Rico and New York City, as well as why they chose to travel between the two.

“Share with people, tell them how much you love them, don’t wait until they are dying to tell them what they mean to you.” – Mrs. McCann

Husband and wife talk about their childhood and what is was like to grow up with a bunch of siblings. Mr. and Mrs. McCann discuss what it was like having to share one bathroom with nine other people and taking...

The War at Home: My Mother’s story

One in three women have experienced domestic violence worldwide; most of this violence is intimate partner violence. Eighteen percent of all relationships are interracial or multicultural. This project focuses solely on my mother's experience and telling her story of survival....

Interview with my Grandma: Experiencing Life in the Philippines in the 1900s

This interview details my grandma's life from childhood to present day with an emphasis on her life in the Philippines and the opportunities she had growing up.

“I should have never been given a BB gun at that age.”

When Andrew Walski was 9 years old, he received a BB gun for Christmas. In this interview with his young brother, Ethan Walski, he recalls an incident in which he ends up shooting his toe.

Central America Immigration

This interview is a student speaking to an immigrant from Guatemala about her experiences in the US.S

Jessica Talks About her Childhood

This interview is between two friends. It's focused on the interviewee's childhood and her values, as well as what it was like for her to grow up.