interview with Mikey

Nang Tuang an 18 year old student interviews his good friend Michael Paredes, 18 years old, and have interesting conversation.

“Start With the Basics; the Rest Will Follow.”

Frank DePoli remarks on his life and how it has been different than he expected, but excellent nonetheless. He begins with his childhood and how his parents and friends always supported and still do support him. He then elaborates on...


The experiences of a college athlete. The dedication and time commitment it takes to be one.

Lee Kempf’s childhood in Madison, Wisconsin and his Military service.

Lee Kempf talks about his childhood in Madison, Wisconsin during the depression and his military service in Okinawa.

An interview between Duke Yuan and Lance Li

Duke Yuan(19)talks with his roommate Lance Li about his stories with basketball and his favourite basketball player.

Collin Batts

Today Collin and I talked about what he likes to do and what some of his hobbies are. We had a good conversation about what he liked to do in his free time. I hope you enjoy!

StoryCorps interview with younger brother

I ask my younger brother questions about basketball, life, family, and his views

Tami shares her life story with oldest son Caran.

Tami shares a lot of her life and even very personal things. From wedding mishaps to a death of a new born this interview jumps from funny to sad at different times. At 11:55 she tells the story of how...

Davis, Maggie (Peer Interview 11/27/23

In this interview I’m interviewing Amani Harlin. We learn that she would like to have a future that involves basketball.

The Offer

Jason Carrillo basketball journey to college

Isaac & Jeloni’s Interview
September 20, 2018 App Interview

Jeloni interviewed Isaac on Thursday, September 20.

Children and Music and Advice, Oh my!

My dad talked about growing up and how I acted when I was little. He gave advice about raising children and going back to college. My brother also decided to join in once in a while.

Old Coach Keeps On Coaching

The Guinness World Record holder Elan Buller, was interviewed my Luca España on November 17th 2017. Elan Buller had once been the elementary school physical education coach for Luca, between his 1st and 6th grade years. Luca and Buller became...

The Life of John West Part 1

"We lived on our bikes, we swam every day, and had a great time." Gracie West interviewed her father, John West on his life on December 10th, 2017. In this interview, he describes his fondest childhood memories, his school life,...