Wynne Beiring and Priscilla Wilson

Wynne Beiring (51) and Priscilla Wilson (72) discuss the influential grandmothers in their lives, Priscilla's path to coming out to her friends and family, and how politics don't necessarily matter in the course of getting to know someone.

American Dream Interview with Mrs. Eileen Nelson

Mrs. Nelson’s father achieved his American Dream and then some by working his way from poverty to upper middle class. This paved the way for Mrs. Nelson and her siblings to succeed and achieve their versions of the American Dream

Ken Dyda, Councilman of City of Rancho Palos Verdes

Ken Dyda, a city councilman talk about the founding of our city, the challenges he has faced and the effects of the environment.

“ Early childhood is the time that forms you as a human being, the building blocks- Kindergarten Teacher: Richard Corbal

Richard Corbal tells us about his 10 years as an early childhood teacher at the Santa Cruz Waldorf School, how it is his job to protect the imaginative space and observe the child and their individual needs allowing them to...

City life

My grandfather talked about his life in Chicago and memories he has from his very joyful life.

The Journey from Italy to the U.S

Ms Acosta had a rough journey moving to the U.S. having to learn a whole different language. As well leaving her family behind.

Talk With My Grandma
November 25, 2017 App Interview

This intereview between me and my grandma focus on my grandma past when she was a child. It also includes how she feel about her generation and young generation, from there she want to gives some advice for today generation.

Asking David Huang questions about life back in China

I just asked David what it was like to live in a city back in China and what differences he could see between America and China. Along with some other little questions of curiousity here and there!