the new and old of audio media

in this discussion I interviewed my mom about audio media (music, radio, podcasts etc.) and how it was while she was growing up to nowadays

Lauren Wright and Lisa Al Taie

Friends Lisa Al Taie (61) and Lauren Wright (61) share memories and reflect on their lives.

Emmanuel Crawford and Amarion Jones

Emmanuel Crawford (18) speaks with his classmate at Oak Park and River Forest High School Amarion Jones (18) about their past year during the pandemic, their hopes for the future, and what they enjoy doing now.

Change of Musical Taste Over Time

This interview talks about what music and concerts were like prior to the digital age involving iTunes and Spotify.

Dad’s music experience
November 29, 2019 App Interview

I talk to my father about how music has changed during his lifetime. Being from Honduras, I think he has a very unique take on it, and he provided some interesting responses to my questions


A quick interview style comparison about concerts and music from the 80s to now.

Gloria DiFulvio and Mario DiFulvio

Gloria DiFulvio (54) interviews her brother, Mario DiFulvio (64), about the role of music in his life.

Music and Concerts Over The Years

I have a conversation with my father about his favorite music and concerts over the past five decades.