Sunny & Victor’s museum musings

Victor and his girlfriend Sunny reminisce about Sunny’s relationship with museums & the PMA

A Woman's Right: The Story It Tells – Carrie

A Woman's Right: The Story It Tells - Philadelphia Trump Protest during Congressional Retreat Interviews for Women's Reproductive Rights. Carrie Goodson was a March Marshall during the daytime protest at Thomas Paine Plaza, Philadelphia. Carrie tells me about her experience...

Philadelphia Trump Protest – Mason

Philadelphia Trump Protest during Congressional Retreat Interviews for Women's Reproductive Rights, January 26, 2017. Mason shares his feelings about Women's Reproductive Rights, Human Rights, and his reactions and hopes after seeing the overwhelming turn out for the Women's Marches all...

Common Ground Tacony Oral History Project: John Cambridge

The Butterfly Pavilion in Holmesberg, Philadelphia, PA is lovingly owned and run by John Cambridge. After a tumultuous start in a dubious situation, John and his small staff that feels like family banded together to make a thriving success of...

Common Ground Tacony Oral History Project: Morgan Robinson

Morgan Robinson shares fond memories of visiting her grandparents every weekend on Tulip St. right at the base of the Tacony-Palmyra bridge. When her parents moved from Tacony they did not move far; never farther than 10-15 minutes away. Morgan...

Interview with my Grandmother about Philadelphia and the importance of our history.

In this interview, I ask my Grandmother questions about her experiences growing up in Philadelphia, how it differs from today, and the importance of remembering our history.