Rose Weil

Rose talks about learning to read, growing up, and how she got to where she is today.

Content with My Life

Charles King feels that he has led a good life. He feels fortunate to have obtained a good education, have a successful career as a jazz pianist, and now has the opportunity to teach piano to kids.

Common Ground Tacony: Christian and Jackie

Christian is a high school student who frequents the Tacony Arts Lab classes and open studios. Christian was really excited by the interview and cyanotype process, so much so he quickly downloaded the StoryCorps app. Upon encouraging Christian to start...

Karen Fine discusses growing up in Brooklyn and how she got to Highland Park

In this interview, conducted on November 26, 2017 in Deerfield, Illinois, Zach Fine (16) interviews his mother Karen Fine (48) about her childhood in Brooklyn. Karen shares experiences from her time in Brooklyn as well as her life in college....

Christina’s Story: A Conversation with a Husband and Wife

We talked about Christina's life and her accomplishments. To learn more read our memoir, The Story of Christina and I

First Day of School

First day back in school, specifically college. Nerve racking on the first day but towards the end of the day and onward she was very much more relaxed with where was was in. She hopes to graduate on time in...

A Fellow Student

I interview one of my friends that has been going to the same school as me for three years. I get to tske a deeper look into what his views, dreams, and beliefs are.

Susan discusses her life, how it has developed and the hurdles she overcame to be where she is today, with her son.

Susan (45) talks to her son, Chase (16), about her childhood, growing up in Philadelphia, and where she ended up now. From how society has changed to how it’s still the same today as it was 40 years ago, she...

An Interview With My Inspiring Noni

Molly Tittemore (15) talks with her Noni (Sicilian slang term for "grandmother"), who is 79 years old. They discussed her childhood, and how the events of her childhood transformed her into the dynamic woman she is today. Her Noni believes...