Paulette Terwilliger shares her family's account of surviving the Holocaust in occupied France

Paulette Terwilliger (nee Paulette Forst) was born to a young Jewish couple in France during the height of World War II. Now a resident of Fearrington Village, she spoke with fellow resident John Eckblad about her family’s wartime experience. In...

Stoney Brook and Christy Hightower

Stoney Brook talks about how being a pilgrim on the Camino de Santiago in 2014 touched and changed him in unexpected ways. Among other things the pilgrimage was the gateway to his setting up the first Veteran's Treatment Court in...

John Ellis and Kara Silva

One Small Step partners John Ellis (43) and Kara Silva (51) discuss their shared love of the mind-expanding view travel provides. They reflect upon their difference religious views but shared sense of the importance of family and connection with other...