Common Ground Tacony Oral History Project: Morgan Robinson

Morgan Robinson shares fond memories of visiting her grandparents every weekend on Tulip St. right at the base of the Tacony-Palmyra bridge. When her parents moved from Tacony they did not move far; never farther than 10-15 minutes away. Morgan...

Common Ground Tacony Oral History Project: Rafaela

Rafaela is a long time resident of North East Philadelphia and frequently attends art classes at Mural Arts Philadelphia Tacony. Rafaela speaks about her experiences being born in Philadelphia and partially being raised in South Korea and Philadelphia and then...

Common Ground Tacony Oral History Project: Keith Tomaselli

Fishtown Beer Runner and native Philadelphian, Keith Tomaselli inspires us with stories of the inception of the beer runner community that has started in Philadelphia and has grown into a small but important charitable organization across the world. Keith tells...

Common Ground Tacony: Janice Monzo-Perry

This week I interview my cousin Janice Monzo who is originally from South Philadelphia 5th & Dudley Sts, but worked all over the city with the Salvation Army for 34 years. While working for the Salvation Army Janice's job was...