“How is it that we collect stories [and] create spaces for those stories to be told?” An interview with Michele Koppes and Heidi Roop

Michele Koppes and Heidi Roop met “on an incredible landscape on the edge of the Greenland ice sheet about two years ago.” The conversation that followed made both of them think more closely about the value of science communication and...

Diversity and Open-Mindedness

This is an interview with my mother discussing her childhood as she grew up in China, Venezuela, and later America. Through her immersion in these three drastically different cultures, she found that she has become more understanding of others in...

Fashion industry

This interview is about the positive changes that the modeling and fashion industry have had over the passed years, and first hand experiences of what this model had noticed herself being in the model industry in the late 1900s.

Changing times

We looked at the differences of diversity in television. In this interview I ask my mother about the changes we seen in television with diversity.