Preaching is a two-way street – Paulist Fr. Charles Kullmann

Paulist Fr. Charles Kullmann made his first promises to the Paulist community on August 17, 1974, and was ordained a priest on May 13, 1978. Fr. Chuck is pastor of St. Austin Church in Austin, TX. He previously served as...

We Need More Teachers Like Her!

My name is Ozan Kara and I am a 17 years old cultural exchange student from Turkey. As an high school student in Bloomington, Indiana, I have had the chance to know a wonderful person, Vanessa Domizlaff, my German teacher...

An Interview With My Inspiring Noni

Molly Tittemore (15) talks with her Noni (Sicilian slang term for "grandmother"), who is 79 years old. They discussed her childhood, and how the events of her childhood transformed her into the dynamic woman she is today. Her Noni believes...

"Gave his kids opportunities he never had."
November 24, 2015 App Interview

My father, Shigeru Ochi, was raised in poverty. He focused on working hard and saving to send his kids through college and med school.