Aruna Patil (68) talks with her son, Akshay (39) about her parents, growing up in various cities (Mumbai, New Delhi, Wellington) in India, and attending medical school.

Varshini Ganesh and her sister Shivani Srividya talk about their life moments and growing experiences.

In this interview, conducted on December 2nd, 2017 in Plano, Texas, Shivani Srividya talks about her childhood. Varshini Ganesh and Shivani Srividya being sisters talk about them growing up together. She talks about her memories and vivid imaginations as what...

Karen’s Life Story

We learn about Karen's life, hr childhood,her struggles and her accomplishments.

I talk to my grandmother about her life, childhood, memories, etc.

We talked about my grandmother and her childhood. It was kind of emotional for me. This interview took place on November 25 2018. It took place at my living room and it was a Skype call from Manhattan Beach to...

Aditi Iyer (14) interviews her grandmother in India, Shantha Dhandapani (70) about her upbringing and her previous jobs.

In this interview, conducted on January 5, 2023, in Canton Michigan, Aditi Iyer interviews her grandmother Shantha Dhandapani (70) about her childhood in India and her work life. She talks about the different jobs she worked in and how it...

"It all started with a bag of doritos" – Stories from two adventure bois

Interviewer: Edson Maese (25) Interviewee: Divyang Motavar (22) Two best friends sharing a conversation where I (Edson) ask different kinds of questions to Divyang; from where he grew up and childhood memories, to first kiss, job description and stories, remodels,...

Two Badass Sisters Inspire the Rare Disease World

Suzanne Hoff, 76, listens to Sharon Neumann, 66, relate her remarkable experiences as caregiver from childhood for her younger sister diagnosed with the rare, incurable disease of Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) to their remarkable journey developing world wide support (IFOP)for...

Interview With My Amazing Mom

This is an Interview With My mom. She describes her life in India compared to the United States and other aspects of her life as well.