John Coleman

In this interview, I talked with my dad, John Coleman. We recalled memories from his childhood and conversed about family.

“Very Very Fortunate”

This is an interview with my dad, Bruce McMullen, where we talked about his childhood and present day things.

Polhill History

This is about my ancestors and where they were born. My mom will be interviewed.


Jenny Madox talks about her experience as a child going through her parents divorce and all that came with it.

Mom Part 2 (sibling #15)

My mom and I caught up again over the phone. Just as southern states are beginning to reopen the virus is reaching our family like never before but my mom believes that her faith and military experience will carry her...

Gary Baribeault and Lee Wilder

One Small Step partners Lee Wilder (72) and Gary Baribeault (62) share a wide-ranging conversation about geopolitics, discussing politics with family, and their perspectives on voting safety.