Sadie Levin and her past teacher Terry Gladstone talk about life influences, lessons and jobs.

In this interview, Created on November 26, 2017 in Manhattan Beach, California. Sadie Levin (14) and her past teacher Terry Gladstone discussed many influences that Mrs. Gladstone had in her life what led her to where she is today. We...

Interviewing my Hispanic mother, Luz.

I interviewed my Hispanic mother. I asked her insightful questions which range from discussing her immigration status to her religious beliefs.

Veronica Pinzon’s Life

Short interview about my Mother’s life as a kid, teenager, and young adult.

Hablando con mi Mami

I interviewed my mom on how her life in Mexico was like, what were some difficulties she faced, and what led her to come to the U.S. To finish with the interview I asked for my favorite recipe of hers...

Mini Stories: Immigrating into America/Meeting Grandpa/US Citizenship

Mini stories of my grandma immigrating into America, how she met her husband and how she got her first US citizenship.

The role of education’s effect on one’s sense of identity

In this interview, we talk about how school has changed Alejandra’s sense of identity and who she is as a person.

Diane, retired teacher, talks about her family and reflects on her accomplishments as a teacher.

Diane (76) is asked about her childhood and family, as well as the people who affected her life the most. She reflects on her own and her son's weddings, as well as her daughter-in-law. Diane answers why she wanted to...