Barie Wolf-Bowen, Andrew Law, and Traci Ruble

Traci Ruble (44) interviews Berie Wolf-Bowen (34) and Andrew Law (46) about their experiences as listeners for Sidewalk Talk. Berie and Andrew talk about their memories of listening and being listened to when they were children, and what they gain...

Allison Tant and Courtney Atkins

Longtime friends Allison Tant [no age given] and Courtney Atkins [no age given] sit down for a conversation about their advocacy work, their parents, their children, and the strong women who inspired them to become the community leaders they are...

“Spend as much time and be a part of your children as much as possible” A father shares his childhood with his son

Nicholas Scaletta interviews his father, Anthony Scaletta. They discuss various topics including Anthony’s childhood experiences, personal values/achievements and how life was different back then compared to now. His own neighborhood which he’s grown up in, and how life got him...

The Life Of A Hardworking Mother

A mother's life is her young ones. Erika Gonzalez is a dedicated mother of 4 youngsters. Interview by her daughter Madison Holden, Erika gave some information about her kids and her life as a mother. Erika couldn't consider anything she...

Academic, Activist & Advocate Dr. Patricia Fernandez-Kelly talks about ethical leadership

Dr. Patricia Fernandez-Kelly, Professor of Sociology at Princeton University, talks with undergraduate Rafer Friedman about ethical leadership, advocacy and activism on campus, in the community and beyond.

Kellsie Forfar-Jones's Involvement in Community Engagement and Advocacy in the Urban Planning of Denver, Colorado

Valerie DeLeon (she/her) chats with Kellsie Forfar-Jones (she/her), Public Engagement Planner with Denver Regional Council of Governments, about what drew her to the field of urban planning, her passion for uplifting community voices, and what the future of Denver may...

Erik Gray and Robin Miller

Erik Gray (30) and friend and colleague Robin Miller (49) have a conversation about how they met, their work within the anti-trafficking community, the sense of value in their chosen field and gaps in service provided to those violated in...

Mary Caravalho and Christy Hightower

Mary Caravalho's mother died young of cancer and Mary honored her mother by taking on her mother's role of staying in touch with her cousin Judy throughout Judy's life. Now Mary honors her cousin Judy by uncovering and telling the...

Sarah Hooper and Benjamin Lawrence Aritao

Sarah Hooper (37) talks with friend and colleague Benjamin Lawrence "Law" Aritao (39) about their upbringing, important life experiences, and how they came to be lawyers working to advance equity in the world.

Compassion Blog Post #5

Chatted with my mom about her life and accomplishments and examples of compassion in her life.

Joyce Agyin and Angela Marith

Joyce shares the story of giving birth to her first born and health discrepancies she faced as a woman of color and what she learned and how it helped her when faced with some of the same issues with her...