American Identity

Talking about what an American Identity is and how it has changed over time

Elijah Gibson – Liberian/1st Generation American

Elijah Gibson is a first generation american who’s family is from Liberia, Africa. In this interview, he tells the story of his family and his upbringing of a split-culture (American culture and Liberian culture) as well as current life joys...

Macayla and Earnny

We did an interview on the American dream.

Unknown American(Leandro Mendoza Garcia)interviewer (Edwin Nova Cordero)

I’ve known Leandro for most of my life, never did I think how his actually life struggles were. He is a very family dedicated man, positive towards life, and hard working. The war in his country made him come to...

Middle School in the 90s

Otis Johnson (Age 11), a current 7th grader, asks his father Jeremy Johnson (Age 41) what middle school was like for him. Witness the challenges and the fun of what middle school was like in the 90s.

An Outsider in a Foreign Country

During the 1980’s in Seoul, South Korea, parents were determined to send their children to best universities to succeed and have a prosperous life ahead of them. Most kids were usually under the control of their parents and obeyed what...

Sarah Gray & Jack Delaney, Blood Transfusion Recipient & Formerly Anonymous Blood Donor "Everyone deserves it."

Sarah Gray, age 47, (Washington DC) blood transfusion recipient, interviews Jack Delaney (61), one of the 10 anonymous strangers who donated 1 of the units of the blood she received during childbirth in 2010. "I'd like to make a new...

My Mom’s Immigration Story

This interview was about the immigration story of my mother and the hardships she had to go through