Legacy: One Place, Two Different Families

Jadyn (16) and Mags (17), friends for eight years, discuss their own family histories, as well as their own lives. They are both fifth generation Californian, and they talk about the family history they have in common, and the parts...

Thanksgiving 2019 Interview- Cara Cagan- Woolsey Fire

Talking about the experience before and after the Woolsey Fire, which threatened Calabasas, CA.

Lucas Miller and Patrick Miller

Patrick Miller (56) provides some insights on how different the family norms were when he was a child.

Sriya Srinivasan and Thatha (grandpa) and Grandma.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen! Featuring Sriya Srinivasan as the interviewer and her grandparents as the interviewees.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

Interview with my dad about his past and my future.

Boy meets Miltary Base

Once upon a time a young boy went through the stages of life: childhood, college, and being all grown up; however this same boy got to travel the world, become the resident advisor of his college dorm and work at...

Mommy’s Words

Hello my name is Maria Espinoza, and in this audio I am interviewing my mom, Nidia Soto. We talked about my life as a child and now as a teenager. We also talked about how becoming a parent changed her...

Shaheen Morakkabi and his grandma Jamileh Davachie

Jamileh Davachie (74) talks to her grandson, Shaheen Morakkabi (15) about her childhood and life in Iran during and after the revolution and her family.

Interview w/ my Grandmother

I have an interview with my grandmother and we talk about her life in Mexico. I ask her questions such as who in her life has influenced her the most and what she thinks of the U.S compared to Mexico....

Sadie Levin and her past teacher Terry Gladstone talk about life influences, lessons and jobs.

In this interview, Created on November 26, 2017 in Manhattan Beach, California. Sadie Levin (14) and her past teacher Terry Gladstone discussed many influences that Mrs. Gladstone had in her life what led her to where she is today. We...