A Fish out of Water

In the beginning, Michelle talks about the difficulties of adjusting to a new environment. Then, the topic smoothly transitions into one consisting of wisdom that can be applied all throughout life.

Stories of my mother

Demian Marchan Interviews her mother Magali Marchan, stories about her past, her childhood and getting to get to know her better about her past.

Interview with a relative

Today I had an interview view with my father. He spoke on his life growing up.

Brother interviewing Sister .

This interview is abouty sister and what she has gone through most of her life. She gives advice and future messages to her brothers and grandchildren.

Tim Monsion, actor 2019

We talked about what it’s like to grow up in a small town, be an actor, and about his experience during the Kennedy assassination.

So Wrong, but So Right

Long before texts, emails, and snapchat, if you wanted to talk to someone you either had to write a letter, or use the phone, and not a cell phone. Jake Freedman interviewed his grandfather Saul Freedman about his mid-high school...

The Grief of Losing an Idol

On November 27th, 2017, Charlie Ruderman interviewed his mother Catherine Smith to learn about her childhood and what it was like to lose a loved one. Throughout the interview, Catherine describes her childhood in the 1970’s San Fernando Valley. This...