Summer in Japan

My mom’s summer as a student in Japan

Mila Johnson interviews her father Kevin Johnson about his childhood and experiences growing up.

In this interview, conducted May 2022 in Corpus Christi, Texas, Mila Johnson (14) interviews her father Kevin Johnson (37) about his childhood and experiences raising Mila. Kevins talks about his memories raising Mila, his own childhood memories, and the beginnings...

Story Corps Interview

Scenario: In this situation BARKSDALE, STEWART, and DENNIS, Circuit Judges. PER CURIAM:Before the court is the appellant's petition for panel rehearing. The appellant asserts that "the Opinion of the Court is so deficient that it cannot be the product of...

Growing up in the 1970’s

Just how different do you believe the 70’s were? To answer your question they are very different. The people did not even dress the same as people now. Imagine living in a time where there was so little technology that...


This was a test for storycorp


An interview with an extremely caring mother on her past, her daughter’s past, the influence of positivity, and a changing society.

Monica’s interview.

Basically what was talked about how she was as a kid. She liked to take care of animals and she liked to do like any other regular things kids do. She had to work a young age because she was...

Entrevista con mi abuelo

A 13 minute interview with my grandfather about a couple topics

History Project

I my grandma talked to me about her life as a child in school and at home. She also explained her experience as a mother and how she enjoyed it.

The Education Sensation

An insight to end of highschool, and leading up to it's end with a bit of what's happened in the end.

The 1980’s

Jill Helwig was interviewed to talk about some of the biggest events of the 1980’s.

interviewing with my auntie susan!

in this interview, my auntie, susan, talks about numerous events in her life. all interesting; both tough and funny.

A boy becoming a man in the eighties

I interview my father on growing up in the eighties, his interests in relation to mine, and experiences he had that shaped the man he is today. A healthy balance of hard work and enjoying life captures the essence of...

Combat Veteran interviews Military Widow

Mrs.Joy was kind enough to share her life experiences with me and I am forever grateful. She is a military widow who owns her own daycare. Being a combat veteran myself, I had countless questions because of the many intersections...

Godavari Floods of 1986

A man goes over the many troubles that have stemmed from one natural disaster that changed his life.

1989…When the Wall Came Down

Eric Decker recalls when the Berlin Wall came down and German reuinification, interviewed by Professor Liette Gidlow of Wayne State University.

The Elementary Maverick

Before big campuses like Campbell Hall, schools would be smaller and different then they are today. Alex Sanger, is a father of two who lived in Texas until he moved to LA, he went to elementary there and had lots...