First trip abroad

Teenager from middle class family goes on panda conservation trip to China with privileged peers and learns about stereotypes and expectations


Interview with my grandmother who is 88 and has lived an interesting life. Going over some childhood memories and where life has taken her.

Donald Carey and Ted Carey converse

Ted Carey, 67, son of Donald Carey, 92, have a biographical conversation briefly covering experiences and aspects of a full and rewarding life.

Karen’s Life Story

We learn about Karen's life, hr childhood,her struggles and her accomplishments.

Tales of a 50 year marriage

From September 1968 to September 2018, stories of courtship, love, travel and advice. Neil and Kathleen Pope Hughes, long-time Washingtonians married for 50 years.

Interview with my Nani, Dinesh Verma

Dinesh Verma talks about leaving Pakistan during Partition and, later in life, moving to the United States.


Karthik Vasudevan talks to his daughter, Anisha about his childhood growing up at a boarding school in India. He recalls how his memories and experiences there have influenced who he is today.

Rosemary van der Net interviews her cousin Olivia Ford about growing up in a divorced household.

In this interview, conducted in November 2017 in Brielle, New Jersey, Rosemary van der Net (14) interviews her older cousin Olivia (23). Olivia shares her struggles of growing up in a divorced household and her education. She also shares about...

Aiden Briesacher and Kelly Barnes

Aiden Briesacher: 2020-11-29 21:07:51 Aiden Briesacher (17) speaks with her Aunt, Kelly Barnes (50), about her life. Travel experiences in India, Japan, London, China, Australia and more as well as childhood memories, life in different countries, and a surprise reveal...

Recording – 11-27-2023 17:17:38

This was an interview with my grandmother, Mamawa Sieway Kaisamba. During this call, we talk about her upbringing, her life coming to America, and how she reflects on her life now being 73 years old.

Grandma Beth on life in Cornwall

Precious time with my 92 year old grandma reflecting on life in Cornwall and London with family spread around the world. Maintaining and growing strong connections

White Water Breaks the Stone

John Friedrich (56) talks with his friend Bob Alpern (92) talks about two trips to Europe to protest the deployment of U.S. missiles in Europe, including a three day block of the Mutlangen Air Force Base in southern Germany. There,...

Change in Tradition

Nitika and Dinesh Mehta discuss childhood, travel, and what that are thankful for now. Skip to 4:16 to hear what advice they would give their younger selves.

The Story Of My Dad’s Life

My dad talks about his life as a child and his experiences throughout life overall including his migration to America. Also, he talks about what I was like as a child and what he would like in the future.

Creativity for a Lifetime: Interview with my Grandma

In this interview, I talked with my grandmother Georgiann Eckheart, about her life as a mother and grandmother and how creativity played a role in her life.

Reflecting on the Past

People reflect on their lives often, however, there are always certain memories that are difficult to relive. On January 8th in her home in Los Angeles, Lucrezia Pignatelli met with her nanny, Mahesh Krishan, aged 46, to discuss his life...

The War Years

I interviewed Nani about the War Years, she talks about her birth in India as well as a few beautiful traveling stories. She touches on her faith and love for the coincidences which make us whole.

Per-6 StoryCorps interview

We talked about a lot of things but most importantly we talked about how she felt when she moved to a different country and choosing her career path.