Riley and Irv – 10/15/23

Irv is a Chinese gentleman and he talks about his parents origins, what life was like growing up on an Indian reservation, and what role his faith in Jesus has meant in his life.

Joshua E Serrano

Early life and events Joshua recalls from his life.

A 76 Year Old Artist

We talked about his experiences in the Merchant Marines and teaching on an indian reservation.

Jerry Hamel and Julia Sherman

Julia Sherman (27) interviews her friend, Jerry Hamel (86), about his childhood, his cattle-ranching and rodeo careers, the history of his land, and what being a cowboy means to him.

Interviewing my dad, Justin Hanson

Interviewing my dad who is 43, born March 23. He was raised in the Sonora/ Twain Harte area and recalls many fond memories of his life.

Final Project

This is a great time with my dear friend. I learned several things about Lisa that I didn’t know before.