Khin Oo and Ratree Ratdachot

Conversation partners Khin Oo (21) and Ratree Ratdachot (67) talk about Ratree's childhood in Thailand, moving to Queens and starting a business in Elmhurst, NY. They also discuss the importance of having an official Little Thailand in NYC and how...

Food Bank Experiences

We discuss Carlyn’s experiences working/volunteering at an amusement park and Chesterfield Food Bank. She talks about what she’s learned from both places

Two highschool students go to the foodbank to learn about how it works.

Two high school students went to the food bank to interview the volunteer services manager to learn more about how the food bank operates and how it helps people in need. In this interview, we asked how the food bank...

William Hortz, David Jones, and Donna Sagan-Hortz

William "Bill" Hortz (62) shares a conversation with his wife Donna Sagan-Hortz (60) and friend David Jones (83) about food security, community-focused work, the organization One More Plate, and the lessons they have learned from their work.

Church Community Garden

An interview with one of the garden coordinators about the garden located at Good Shepherd United Methodist Church.