Sugar Can’t Bring Him Down

“You’ll be dead by the age of fifty” Jerry Sraberg was told. 14 year old Demi Weitz interviews her grandfather, Jerry Sraberg, about how being a diabetic affected him in negative and positive ways and the obstacles he overcame. In...

Life’s Most Profound Moments

Life’s most profound moments, especially that of humans connecting.

Fran Close and C. Perry Brown

Dr. Fran Close (54) interviews her good friend and colleague Dr. C. Perry Brown (74) about his journey toward becoming an epidemiologist, his work as a researcher and college professor, and the relationships that both keep him grounded and make...

Prabha Gutheti and Kerri Feazell

Prabha V. Gutheti (71) talks with her friend, Kerri Feazell (31), about the Los Angeles Term Program, religion and life lessons she's gathered along the way.

Ana Gonzalez

We interviewed for our journalism class

Family Is Everything

“I don’t care what people think, I will do anything and everything for my children.” On December 21, 2018, Daisy Salinas talked about her experience of leaving her home in El Salvador to come to the United States. She explains...

Our deep friendship

Two immigrant friends talking about their 34 year old friendship

Alexander Isaac Luna & Chabree Rogers

Friends and former Providence colleagues, Alex and Bree, have different views of the first time they met. They do both agree on the positive influence they have had on each other over the last 10 years.