Sociology 130 Interview

Me and Caroline disgusted her life from early childhood to her wedding day to current day to see what her goals are and have been. We discussed how things don’t go as you plan them. I wanted to know what...

What Do You Think of "Blind Date/Omiai"

A college student (20) talks with her friend(27) about her view and experience in blind date/omiai.

The Great Thanksgiving Interview

-Blind date -Father died, newborn baby -Happy, and excited -Beyond proud of me -Misses father, who passed away; still has mother, and is happy with her -Went on a date at the movies, then a pizza parlor -Childhood was happy,...

The Wisdom of Grandma May

This interview was a very powerful interview with my grandma about her life. I learned that she had a bunch of interesting jobs that I had no idea about. She worked hard throughout her life and got everything she wanted...

Mimi Majestic

Although we went over some touchy subject she kept a smile on her face the whole time

Jane Clemmer shares about her childhood, love of her life, motherhood, and words of wisdom for future generations.

Jane Clemmer shares about being the only girl growing up, blind dates that turn into life long marriages, and the importance of family and friends. Stories about her children and grandchild are not only meaningful, but delightful.

Dario Rodriguez and Melinda Rodriguez

Newlyweds Melinda (26) and Dario (27) interview each other about how they never thought they would end up marrying each other, falling in love, how they have learned to be patient with each other, and the challenge they recently faced...