Mother Recalls a Story From Her Daughter's Childhood

A 15-year-old girl named Lauren interviewed her 46-year-old mom Amanda about a specific memory that shows what it was like to raise Lauren as a young child.

Anchetas vs the World

This is probably the most in-depth conversation I’ve had with my dad in a while (that doesn’t include sports talks; we have heated discussions over them all the time). But I really don’t know much about my dad’s past, mainly...

Ralph talks about his identity and family of origins, not wanting to be in a box, and his desire for community.

Ralph grew up in Philadelphia. He describes his family's values of kindness, growing up with a mother who was bi-polar, and his constant desire for community. He speaks on his identity, age, and speaking one's mind. He moved to San...

Conversations with my Grandma

This interview is between my grandma and I. We discussed everything from her adopted son to her cancer diagnosis.

Dad’s Childhood
January 5, 2023 App Interview

My Dad, Josh Morton, and I, Arthur Morton, had a mix of an interview and a conversation about stories of his childhood and parts of my own that i don’t fully remember. oronado