UMD Activation Academy Storytelling

Samantha is a sorority member who grew up in a church and is passionate about Women’s Health.

Us during Stonewall and after…

The photo featured here is from 1992, our first year together. When Stonewall happened, neither of us knew. We became a couple in Chicago 23 years later. The chorus of CeCe Peniston's "Finally," a tune that was popular during our...

A talk with a chaplain.

The time in tech school where I went to verify with a chaplain that I wasn't gay. (Spoiler: I kinda was.)

Stop bullying, suicide etc

Many people and I mean many suffer from depression and get bullied but you can help by sharing this and telling others to not give up and live life to the fullest. If you are depressed and need someone to...

LGBTQ+ Rights Youth Advocacy & Gender Equality

Amari Otto tells her experiences being a gay woman with her family, friends and communities.

The bar was all there was. The only place we could meet – like Stonewall Inn – that was what we had.

Part 1 of 2 (This interview contains strong language and brief descriptions of sexual acts.) From a young age, Randy Moulder was a victim of sexual abuse and exploitation by neighbors, family members, and his school principal. As a teen,...