Adoption and foster care

My mom, Denise Leadingham talked her experience in foster and adoption.

The life of an employer from coming to the u.s to working at a big company in Las vegas

Today I interviewed yolanda vilchez who has been working at Mandalay bay For 10 years. Her story on her life back than and her life now

Interview with Gio

I, Holton Smith, was interviewing my adopted brother Gio Smith. Throughout the interview I asked him questions about life and about the foster system and adopted process.

Sarah Vliet’s favorite place.

Sarah vliet’s favorite place is her old house, She had to move when her father passed away on 10-25-2017. She felt very upset about her fathers passing. Her favorite memory was of her and her dad watching movies in their...

Patrick Nickell & Scott Acord

Patrick shared in an earlier story about being raised in Foster Care - this is his story once he aged out and the "system" was done with him. Without having been taught much in the way of life-skills, Patrick struggled...

why foster care
December 5, 2022 App Interview

I decided to interview my father-in-law Kenneth Payne about his journey in foster care. I picked this subject because foster care is hard and he and his wife now have 12 kids total. 3 from previous manages 7 adopted and...

Steve Desroches and Robert Lamarche

Steve Desroches (47) talks to Robert Lamarche (50) about his work as a lawyer and social worker in facilitating adoptions as well as his role in overturning the state of Florida's ban on gays and lesbians from adopting.

Cami (Jenni Alpert) and Don, a biological duo experiencing the exhibit today ….

Sharing our experience on our family fun field trip to Annenberg Photography Musem today with some backstory of our biological reunion after having been separated for over 30 years.

Zynea’s perspective of being adopted and being part of the system
November 12, 2020 App Interview

Zynae shares her story of being part of the system for 10 years and finally being adopted.

Brenda and Juanita

Interviewing my best friend about her childhood in the foster care system.

Growing up alone

Michaelangelo growing up in a chaotic and unstable household, ending up in the foster system, and coming out of it all as a humble and successful human!

Zach DeLoach

Dave asks Zach a series of questions for a class. Zach gets very personal at the end.

Nothing but the truth

In this interview I talked about the truth of my life. The situations that made me and the ups and downs in my life.

Patrick Nickell & Scott Acord

Patrick opens up about being the child of parents suffering from addiction and alcoholism, and being raised in the foster care system from the age of 2. In the approximate 14 years he was in the foster care system, Patrick...

Hank’s Story: Kindertransport and Beyond
November 27, 2022 App Interview

Sara Kandler, age 56, interviews her father, Hank Kandler, age 93, about his early life in Germany and his experiences as a Kindertransport child. They discuss the difficulties and loss faced by Hank, his brother Gerry, and their family in...

Helen Dashney and Mario McLean

Helen Dashney: 2020-06-24 19:39:24 Helen Dashney (70) and Mario McLean (26) discuss the relationship between them that started as Professor/Student at Michigan State University, but became a lifelong friendship that is now 9 years in the making. They talk about...

Em Gathers Interviews Her Sibling, Iggy Gathers, About Growing Up as a LGBTQ Foster Youth

For the Great Thanksgiving Listen in November 2021, Em Gathers (17) interviews her sibling, Iggy Gathers (21), at her dorm in New Jersey. They talk about their childhood and high school memories. They share their struggles and experiences as lgbtq...

My Great Grandmother’s Early Life

My great grandmother who we all call Granny, tells me a brief summary about her childhood and her easy life. Along the way she married and had kids, who had kids, who had me. She is my mothers grandmother and...

National Adoption Awareness Month

This interview expresses the importance of adoption and the rewarding experience as it relays to Adoption Awareness for November.

Foster Care: Now vs Then

Foster care system and how it was in the past vs now. Change in children as well as the state.