Grandma’s Childhood.

In this interview I talked to my Grandma about her favorite childhood memories.

Sister time

In this short segment, we talked about the life that my sister has lived, and the life she wants to continue on living. We talked about her biggest successes and regrets

Christina Letoi

From the island of Samoa to the U.S. christina talks about her childhood memories, family, and small bits and pieces about herself.

My Nana

I interviewed my endeared grandmother who I call my Nana. She has lived a full and wonderful life. She is an example of a hard working woman and a loving friend and mother figure to all. I’m blessed to be...

“Living the dream” an interview with Roger Mayer

Roger talked about his life including his family and experiences. He talked about his wife and their goals in life and how proud he is of his family.

“Soy Una Niña Problema” Part 2

In this interview, my mother, Maria Paredes, continues to tell stories about her hometown, her rebellious childhood, happiest memories, and biggest regrets as well as what it was like coming to the United States as an immigrant.

"Find joy in success"

I interview my mom, Stephanie Kirk, and ask her questions about her life in Salt Lake City. We talk about her career as an interior designer, some life lessons, and impactful experiences.

“Being a Stepmom, Whatever that Looks Like.”

Kaden talks to his stepmom about her life and what it was like being a stepmom in a relationship with kids already there. He learns a lot about what she did growing up and what it's like living with arthritis...

A Life in Ogden

We talked about my moms childhood and her ambitions in life

Enjoy Each Stage of Your Life

My objective in interviewing my father, Brian Moore, was to discover experiences and thoughts about his life, particularly during high school. He told stories about childhood, family, friends and athletics.

My mother

I learned my mother’s childhood and lessons that she has learned throughout her life

“Soy Una Niña Problema” Part 1

In this interview my mother, Maria Paredes, tells stories about her hometown, her rebellious childhood, happiest memories, and biggest regrets, as well as what it was like coming to the United States as an immigrant.

Jam Boyden

In this interview, done on January 13, 2019 in Salt Lake City, Utah, is about Laura Sneddon who is cousins with Julianna Boyden. It tells Laura's life story from living in Germany and being adopted into a new family. About...

"It's not the money in the bank, it's the money in the relationships with your family that matter most."

I interviewed my grandfather about his life. We enjoyed a good conversation where I got to learn new things about him and while we enjoyed some quality bonding time together.

“Joie de Vivre” – An interview with Saralinda Bell

This is an interview between me, Sumner Bell, and my mother, Saralinda Bell. We talked about her childhood, college experience, and how she decided to study linguistics and deaf education.

Childhood to Parenthood

Steve answers questions about his childhood, everything from early family memories to his high school prom. He talks about meeting my mom and their journey to getting married 4 months after meeting one another. Steve finishes the interview with memories...

Getting to Know You

On January 18th, 2018 I interviewed my mother, Karen Flood, in order to learn things I didn’t know about her. I was able to learn about her childhood, a high school party thrown at her house, her change of career...

Think Positive, be positive.

I talk with my mom about her life stories, I was really young when we first came here so I didn't know about what happened back in Nepal and India. We talked about how it was growing up and childhood...