Legacy: One Place, Two Different Families

Jadyn (16) and Mags (17), friends for eight years, discuss their own family histories, as well as their own lives. They are both fifth generation Californian, and they talk about the family history they have in common, and the parts...

Great Thanksgiving Listen

In this interview most of the questions asked were about my dads childhood and the things he’s been through historically.

Joaeph Garcia and Jace Freyman

Joaeph "Joe" Garcia (82) and Jace Freyman (36) talk about their family histories, how they came to their vocations, their economic and socio-political fears and hopes for the country, and the importance of connecting with others.

Russell Bower and Ryon Ganser

One Small Step conversation partners Russell "Russ" Bower (69) and Ryon Ganser (54) talk about their different upbringings in Connecticut, the differences in opportunities available today, how they came to their political and economic views, their parents and children and...


We tales about how she was as a Child and who influenced her the most

Angela Meyers and Allison Cleveland

Allison Leigh Cleveland (61) tells her colleague Angela Meyers (42) about her experiences in the army during the Cold War doing military intelligence and guard duty in Germany. She also describes witnessing the fall of the Berlin Wall on her...

Austin Turner and Nate Yoder

One Small Step conversation partners Nate Yoder (52) and Austin Turner (31) talk about growing up in relatively homogenous areas, expanding their point of view, their shifting politics and parenting.

My Mom’s Life

We talked about my family history, many experiences in my mom’s life, and pieces of advice she has for me and the future generations. My Mom’s stories and things she had to say have brought me and her closer. It...