a chat with Caroline

Caroline shared her childhood memories and goals for the future

Interview with Riley

Riley talks about her past life and how it makes her who she is in the present

Interview with Steve Heffner

Interview with Steve Heffner about the politics and music of the 1970s.

Emily Crowder and her mom Jessica Crowder talk about Jessica’s stories

It was great being able to see what my moms life was like and what she thought of everything. It was also great to hear what my mom thought of me. I loved hearing how my mom saw family. Overall...

Meeting mrs Prinz
December 12, 2017 App Interview

Mrs Prinz mainly talked about her family’s influence in her life and faith. She talked about her husband and her family’s traditions.

Kaelin head

The interviewers life and experiences

Living Through Pain

Sometimes we forget family goes through it too. Do we grow to cope the same or to be different? If you are to lose your loved today, will you remember them how they wanted to be or as you grew...

The Story of Lara Sanders – Interviewed by Luca Lombardo

In this interview, Luca Lombardo interviews his mom and finds out more about her life when she was a kid and when she had him.

An interview with my roommate

This a basic interview with my roommate where we talk about what has led him to Saint Martins. Growing up in Alaska, he has some interesting experiences which might differ from what most young Americans have seen. Kip talks about...

Moms backround

My mom answers these questions with emotion so she might cry

About my dad

We talked about his life then as being a child and how he changed over the years then we talked about us his kids

Interview with Grandpa Wiegand

I interviewed my grandpa, Bill Wiegand and asked him a few questions about his childhood.

Maddie Komatinsky and her Grandma talk about growing up in Wales and family and friends along her life path.

In this interview conducted on Nov. 26 in Manhattan Beach, California, Maddie Komatinsky interviews her grandmother, Anne, about her childhood and growing up. Anne shares thoughts, stories and memories of growing up in Wales, moving to he US, meeting friends...

Kelly O'Neal, William Hulsey, and Franklin Hulsey

Brothers Franklin Hulsey (79) and William "Daniel" Hulsey (76) speak with Kelly O'Neal (55), their niece and daughter respectively, about growing up in the 1950s.

Interview with Pop

My first of the family and friends interviews. Started with the pop-ular the best ayre bane

Matthew Sears

This interview was very interesting because I learned new things about this person.

Hung Le’s life
November 28, 2021 App Interview

This interview is about Hung Le’s life

Thanksgiving Interview

Interviewing my uncle on Thanksgiving! (I apologize for any foul language. I forgot he had no filter)

My Dad's Experience in the Military

My dad talks about his difficulties adjusting to the military way and how it changed him as a person.

Waukena and Cecily

Mother and daughter discussing experiences in New York

A quick chat with Momma

In this interview I picked my moms brain and found out how she really feels about her marriage, our family, and life itself.

Yia Yia Interview

Sit-down with my Yia Yia to talk about her life.