Myyuh and Hany Osman

New friends Myyuh (31) and Hany Osman (33) talk about their work in music and film. They reflect on their early experiences with art, on what makes a place home, and on building community in New York City.

LaRome Armstrong and Curtis Pierce

Friends LaRome Armstrong (54) and Curtis Pierce (48) engage in conversation about LaRome's many faces: as an artist in dance, drama, music, film, and writing, as a strong black man growing up in Texas, and as an activist in the...

"I’m more of a painter in music than a musician" – Alan Semerdjian

Mara Jill Herman (Astoria) interviews Alan Semerdjian (Long Island) who makes meaning of his life through art. They discuss family influence, Armenian heritage, dialectic thinking, writing, music, and the art of educating.