Elizabeth speaks about immigrating to the U.S.

Elizabeth talks about her experience moving from Sweden to the United States with her family in the 19702.

Prabha Gutheti and Kerri Feazell

Prabha V. Gutheti (71) talks with her friend, Kerri Feazell (31), about the Los Angeles Term Program, religion and life lessons she's gathered along the way.

Immigration; Then and Now

William Vasquezi, age 15, interviews his grandmother Vera Torres-Tortelli, age 65, about her immigration from Brazil to the U.S.

An Interview With My Dad, Joesph Pass

Interviewing my father, Joesph Pass, about his life, his lessons, his greatest memories, and his love for God.

“I think that this, this is my home”

Within this interview, conducted January 2018 in Boulder Creek, California, Samuel English (17) discusses life and the effects of immigrating to the United States as an independent German citizen with his mother, Andrea Rosa English (49). Mrs. English recollects some...

Wolfgang Lauck and Monica Ennis

Monica Ennis (61) has a conversation with her father, Wolfgang Lauck (94), about him growing up in Germany during World War II and immigrating to the United States.

Transition for an Irish Immigrant into the U.S Medical Law Community

Ronin interviews Leisa for details on her decision to move to the United States and become a doctor of medicine and lawyer there, leading to a discussion on how one should follow their passions in life.

The Life of Herman van Beek

The life and family of Herman van Beek, my grandfather. He was born in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, and grew up during the second Word War under German control. He moved frequently, going to Argentina and Mexico, where he learned English...

Muslim-Christian Tensions

Sherry Meseid: 2024-05-30 06:32:55 Sherry Meseid discusses with her mother, Tahany Attallah, about discrimination and persecution of Coptic Orthodox Christians in Egypt. The goal was to receive a better understanding of her life as a Christian in Egypt and how...

Larry Johnson and Deb Sung

One Small Step conversation partners Larry Johnson (72) and Deborah "Deb" Sung (36) talk about their shared experience leaving the church, their complex relationships with their parents, and the need for people to talk to each other in the current...