How was it like to lose my twin sister?

We talked about the loss of a possible third child, her overall reaction of guilt and loss, and her plan for the future at that time.

Life of a Navy Brat pt.1

The Birth, Life, and discussions of Death with my mom. She’s a very adventurous and strong woman and I love her very much.

Where Towers Once Stood

Two beautiful buildings that seemed impossible to be taken down collapsed on September 11, 2001. Aden Strong interviewed his father, Craig Strong, on January 9, 2019 in Los Angeles California. 9/11 was the day two planes were hijacked in New...

9/11 Story with my mom

We talk about her day on 9/11/2001 and what was happening with her and society following the attacks


I interviewed my mom about how I was as a child and how being a parent has changed her.