98 years of African American history.

Merrill Cooper, 98 years old African American from south Virginia with a high school diploma retired as International Vice President of transport workers union of America

FYS interview about the theme of legacy based questions with Debbi Mahan by Trace Mahan

I interviewed Debbi Mahan for my First Year Seminar class at Marshall University. Our FYS class has been focusing on critical thinking and how thoughtfully developed and artfully asked questions can lead to enriching enlightening stories. Frank Sesno’s book Ask...

Logan Kimball and Deborah Asay

Logan Kimball: 2022-11-28 01:35:03 Logan Kimball (16) talks with his grandmother, Deborah Asay (67) about her life growing up, memories of her children, and her dreams.

Genesis Jimenez and Jennel Silva “Without rain, there’s no flowers”

In this interview, we got to talk a lot about her love life since I didn’t know a lot about. We also talked about her education and job. Lastly, we got a little more personal into her life, talking about...

Community, Education, and State Pride

I interviewed my former high school English teacher, Mrs. Jessica Salfia, about her views on community during COVID-19, the educational system, and her passion for her state.

My moms Childhood

A interview of me and my mom talking about her memories as a child and how she grew up.

A Chat With Mom

Jamison Parker(19 years old) talks with his mother, Sherry Johnston(45 years old) about life, love, and some of her crowning achievements.

FYS Interview about the theme of legacy with David Griffith “The Man of One town” by Seth Spurlock

I interviewed David C Griffith for my First Year Seminar class at Marshall University. Our FYS class has been focusing on critical thinking and how thoughtfully developed and artfully asked questions can lead to enriching and enlightening stories. Frank Sesno's...

A walk through the memory lane

In this interview which was conducted on April 29th in Yorba Linda, California Bonnie (82) shared with me (19) about her religious background and how important her beliefs are to her now and when she was a child. About the...

Think Positive, be positive.

I talk with my mom about her life stories, I was really young when we first came here so I didn't know about what happened back in Nepal and India. We talked about how it was growing up and childhood...

Grandparents anniversary

Nancy and Donald share their memories and wisdom of 63 years of marriage.

John Babcock Part 1: “I testified against the Hells Angels”

This section is a brief introduction to John and his life. We discussed his career and how it affected his life. He talks about how he changed a young man's life and the school he built from scratch. John also...

Meeting My Piano Teacher: Jane Calder

Today I interviewed Jane Calder. I have known her for nine years now. Although I have known her for so long, k have never known much about her. I learned about her childhood, life, mentors, and so much more.

Genuine at Heart

Elizabeth is going to touch on memories from California and when she came to Utah. She is going to talk about how much she loves school and why she chose this specific job. I interviewed my college advisor and I...

The Moving Train

This is an interview for The Great Thanksgiving Listen 2018. Myself, Alia Yannone, interview my grandmother, Judy Smith in Brigantine, New Jersey on November 22, 2018. We discuss how my grandma grew up and what she has experienced over her...