Jacqueline Smith and Alison Leras

Jacqueline and Alison discuss Jacqueline's journey to becoming a Home Health Social worker, and how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted her patients and herself.

Dianna Reely and Edie Baker

Dianna and Edie talk about where they met and the evolution of their careers. They discuss the surprise direction both careers have taken and the joy they have found.

Jennifer Justice & Kirsten Lavery

Jennifer shares her story with Kirsten of how through a series of unfortunate events she went from "supermom" to dealing with an opiate addiction and living on the streets. While on the streets she got pregnant with her third child....

Carrie Kilpatrick-White, Christi Crowley and Therese Lewandowski

Christi and Carrie share about some of the tender, joyful, healing moments of Camp Erin to provide a safe and loving place for children who have lost a loved one to be with other children and teens who are also...