Modeling Agency in NJ | La Creme
September 28, 2020 App Interview

Real Opinions on La Creme @lacreme on instagram best agency nj for models

Alexa Albert learns about the life of her Dad, Harris Albert

In his interview, conducted in EHT, New Jersey on November 26, 2017, Alexa Albert shares stories about her Dad's involvement in the military. He also talks about his childhood and what makes him the man he is today. Alexa and...

“I will never look up to her, I will never try to be like her”

In this story, I sat down with a person that wants to remain anonymous. We sat down to talk about how marijuana has affected their family. B: Who was the family member misusing drugs in your family? A: The family...

A Woman’s Right: The Story It Tells – Caley

A Woman’s Right: The Story It Tells - Caley O'Brien speaks candidly about her experiences as a well-informed woman during the political upheaval of Trump and his administration taking office. Caley reflects on the days surrounding the Women's March on...

Grandpa interview

My grandpa enjoyed this very much and I appreciate this a lot.