“What trait do you see in yourself that you passed down to me?”

My brother and my mom have been very close, and they talked to each other a lot more often and more easily than I talked to my mom. My brother has moved out and with that my mom and I...

Interview with Mom

My mom and I talked about her teenage and child life and how that shaped the person she was today. Also, about how her childhood lead to adulthood. We talked about current job status and working conditions.

Hannah Yarbrough and Frank Yarbrough

I interviewed my father on his life as a kid, what he was like, and people he misses that have passed away.

My Amazing Mom

A looks into a mother’s past and what her life was like, following up to the birth of her children and her life now. A great person who shows nothing but love and care towards the people she loves the...

My interview

I took the time today to ask my father about the relationship of how he met my mom.

Varshini Ganesh and her sister Shivani Srividya talk about their life moments and growing experiences.

In this interview, conducted on December 2nd, 2017 in Plano, Texas, Shivani Srividya talks about her childhood. Varshini Ganesh and Shivani Srividya being sisters talk about them growing up together. She talks about her memories and vivid imaginations as what...

My dad( jake laughlin)

I interviewed my dad and he is 52 years old. He was born in December 7 1970 in Boonsville, Mississippi. he wants to go back to Mississippi.

Tawdra and Colin interview

this interview was between Colin and Tawdra. Tawdra is my tutor and she has been my babysitter since I was one, and we discussed about her adulthood, beliefs, and childhood.

Sadie Levin and her past teacher Terry Gladstone talk about life influences, lessons and jobs.

In this interview, Created on November 26, 2017 in Manhattan Beach, California. Sadie Levin (14) and her past teacher Terry Gladstone discussed many influences that Mrs. Gladstone had in her life what led her to where she is today. We...