The Big Yellow and White Truck

My Italian/Ukrainian Grandma talks about her childhood and raising her kids. Even though it was hard for her and her husband to earn enough money to raise 2 girls and 2 boys, she remained humble. She remembers how they waited...

Clary Rotchford Thanksgiving 2017

Our families influence us in so many ways. Some loving and some challenging. It is what we make of what we experience that creates the tenatiius, creative and capable people we are today.

All about my Nonna

About my amazing grandmother, her life, and everything she has done for the people she loves

"Family is the Idol of Philippine Society"

This interview was done for the "Great Thanksgiving Listen 2019" on November 30, 2019 with my sister. Since she was not able to make it to Thanksgiving due to personal reasons, I interviewed her while she was in New York....

Chatting with my oldest brother Nick about the steps in the life of an educator and a brother.

I talk with my oldest brother, Nick about his upbringing and influences on him to pursue a career as a first grade teacher. We talk about the role of a teacher, and the advice he would give to others doing...

I'm So Proud of Them: Christopher Blake Interviews Tammie Vivlamore

Whether it be in New Jersey or New York, Tammie Vivlamore's life experience has been crazy from the start. In this interview, Tammie opens up about her less-than-stellar childhood, where she ended up in her 20's, and how becoming a...