Asking Lisa Brei About the Election

I asked Lisa Brei the questions “How secure is the election in your opinion?”, “What do you hope comes from this election”, and “How do you think the results will affect the future?”.

Living a great life

I forgot to mention the movies I did I loved it about 20 movies and commercials and meet everyone in the business


This interview talks about the life of a person who has influenced me the most in recent years and all the virtues and not so great things about life.

Gab and Dad!

We talked about our immediate family and also so of our extended family. Basically just me asking him what I couldn’t growing up.

Amara Parker and her dad Bernard talk about living in Europe.

In this interview, conducted in November 2017 in San Diego, California, Amara Parker (14) and Bernard Parker (44) about his childhood in Texas and his career. Mr. Parker shares his difficulties of living abroad compared to the United States. He...

“I felt like I was cheated out of my childhood”

The topic of deportation is something that’s talked about on the daily by many, but no one knows how it actually feels for a loved one that’s forcefully taken away from their home after having made a life for themselves...

interview with my cousin

we had a lot of fun. we had a lot a fun recording this interview.