Aydan and Aunt Paddy

I interviewed my aunt from my dads side. I asked her a lot about her childhood and what it was like growing up with my dad.

Living a great life

I forgot to mention the movies I did I loved it about 20 movies and commercials and meet everyone in the business

John Buchanan’s Childhood Life and Acting Career

John Buchanan had a traditional religious childhood life, but his parents got diverced when he was very young. He lievd with his dad mot of the time, until he was 15 and moved to California to live with his mom....

Lyda Stillwell

Interview with Lyda Stillwell who spent her life working in theatre primarily as a theatre director and professor. Lyda resides in Friendship Village Kalamazoo as of fall 2021 during the time of the interview.

"The first time I really worked hard on something and loved it, was art."

My Dad explains his life changing relationship with the arts and the impact that learning to write music had on his creativity and sense of self worth.

Having A Chat With My One Act Director

Jill Roberts is a 29 year old mother with 2 children. Kate Heidlebaugh is a 17 year old high school student. Both of these two people grew up with different religions and beliefs. One of the major things that connects...

From Colorado to LA

My name is Grace Schiff, I am 14 years old, and I interviewed my aunt, Melissa Malone, in Encino, California. She grew up in Colorado, but moved to Los Angeles because of her love for acting. In this interview she...

Interview with my aunt, a famous Bollywood actor

This interview documented the career of Ashvini Bhave, a famous Bollywood actress.