Stevie Merino & Angela Marith

Stevie talks about the health disparities and racism she's faced and witnessed while working in the healthcare industry when it comes to giving birth and postpartum

Ife Means Love

My mom, Mary, shares her story of coming to America and raising 5 children while still preserving her culture. She highlights her life becoming an immigrant to America for the purpose of better opportunity for her family. The interview includes...

What movie stars did you meet?

My grandfather talks about his work experience and some of the most interesting places he has been too. He reminisces’ about good old times with family. He lists off some of the 32 Countries he has been too for business,...

Birth story

This is the story of my birth told by my father.

The Miracle of Adoption

Before their two children, Luc Bourassa’s soon to be parents had to think of other ways to have the family they wanted. In November of 2017, 15 year-old Luc Bourassa interviewed his father, Louis Bourassa, to learn how he and...

Mother Relives Birth of First Child!

Lacey relives the birth of her first born child, a daughter. She tells a few stories of how this child came about and what her visions were for the future. Do they match with reality?