Rochelle Williams and Charles Williams

Rochelle Williams (55) speaks with her husband Charles Williams (53) about her family’s history in Plateau, AL, also known as Africatown. The two discuss the new attention the community is receiving in light of the discovery of the Clotilda ship...

Ian Whistler and Ryan Myers

Fiancés Ian Whistler (23) and Ryan Myers (37) talk about their life together, joking about their cats aka “The Women” and sharing some of their favorite memories.

Tracy Hall and Mary Balkema

Colleagues and One Small Step partners Tracy Hall (50) and Mary Balkema (55) talk about their careers in local politics, their perspectives on public service, and the life lessons they have taken away from their work.

Ann Marshall and Terry Marshall

Spouses Ann Marshall (80) and Terry Marshall (80) talk about their advocacy, PeaceCorps, nuclear waste cleanup, and writing careers, reminisce about their travels, and reflect on their relationship.

Justin Cummins and Jenni Lippold

Justin (32) and Jenni (42), strangers participating in the One Small Step program, have a conversation about their lives, families, and communities. They discuss their daughters, living through COVID, and buying houses in the suburbs.

Steve Abid and Jany Avalos

In a captivating dialogue, retired educator Steve and current GRCC employee Jany delve into Steve's illustrious career trajectory and post-retirement experiences, emphasizing the significance of teaching and the invaluable skill of intuition in decision-making.

Maureen Mead and Jennifer Stubbs

Good friends Maureen Mead (54) and Jennifer Stubbs (52) trade memories from their early twenties spent in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

"I love you."

Dear pals, Lexie and Marina, talk about growing up in the Midwest, resonance with effeminate men, coming out as many things, hospitalization, the anthology "Written on the Body." The interview may or may not close with a lil song :)