Great Thanksgiving Listen Zachary Yenser and Diana Yenser

In this interview, conducted At my aunt’s house on November 25 2018. I interviewed my grandmother to learn about her younger life. She shares stories about her childhood and her relationships. She also talks about family and things that influenced...

More than a Sport: How Swimming has Shaped Jessica’s Life

Judy interviews Jessica on her transformative journey through swimming. It shows her reluctant beginnings in swim lessons to the lifelong friendships forged at her childhood swim team, The Ranch. As Jessica reflects on her relationship with swimming, she discovers the...

Louay interviews his mom Samar who talks about her childhood in Syria.

In this interview, on November 26, 2023, in Valparaiso, Indiana, Louay Zeitoun (15) interviews his mom Samar Kebbewar (47) about growing up in Aleppo, Syria. Samar shares various memories about her childhood, and how religion played a big role in...

David Mellott and Maya Stein

One Small Step conversation partners David Mellott (67) and Maya Stein (51) talk about being step-parents, families and marriage, life lessons, and being middle children. They discuss God, the importance of family, being Liberal and Conservative, and hopes for the...


I ask my mom about her childhood and what she did right in her younger years.

Allison Breski Thanksgiving Interview

My grandma and I talked about her childhood, her marriage, and her relatives. We also talked about what raising my dad was like and how his childhood played out.

Bethany Broom-Dombrowski and Tessa Masengale

Bethany Broom-Dombrowski (35) and her daughter, Tessa Masengale (15), trade memories and ask each other about their lives.

Mom’s Memoir

A summary and recap of the childhood and life of a mother of 5 children