History Project

This is an interview with my dad in which we discuss his military service, childhood, and me (his daughter).

Crystal reflects on her life, culture, family, and motherhood.

Jordy asks Crystal about growing up as a first-generation child and her childhood. He also asks questions reguarding her adult life as a mother and influences in her life.

The Importance of Hard Work

Eric Vadon speaks about the importance of education, hard work and family. He talks about the morals and events that shaped his life.

Great American listening project.

Interview with my mother. She talks about what her family was like. What traditions she had, where she lives and how life was different.

Mother and Daughter Talk About Growing Up

My mother and I discussed many things in this interview, but the most important to me was the way she talked about her family. She spoke about how her mother was one of the most important people in her life,...